APDS-9930 ambient light and proximity sensor example

The APDS-9930 provides digital ambient light sensing (ALS), IR LED and a complete proximity detection system in a single 8 pin package. The proximity...

MPL3115A2 pressure sensor and ESP8266

The MPL3115A2 is a compact, piezoresistive, absolute pressure sensor with an I2C digital interface. MPL3115A2 has a wide operating range of 20 kPa to...

ESP8266 and MLX90393 magnetic field sensor example

The MLX90393 magnetic field sensor can be reprogrammed to different modes and with different settings at run-time. The sensor offers a 16-bit output proportional...

Using a 74HC595 shift register with the Wemos

Sometimes in your projects you simply do not have enough I/O lines available, take for example a lot of the multiple LED examples, these...

Wemos and reed switch example

The reed switch is an electrical switch operated by an applied magnetic field. It consists of a pair of contacts on ferrous metal reeds...

Using a LTR-329 Ambient Light sensor with an ESP8266

In this article we look at an Ambient Light sensor, the LTR-329 and connect it to an ESP8266 board - a Wemos D1 Mini...

RPI-1031 tilt sensor and Wemos Mini example

In this article we look at a tilt sensor - this time its the RPI-1031 and we will connect it to a Wemos The RPI-1031...

ESP8266 and PIR example in Micropython

In this example we look at a PIR example in Micropython for an ESP8266. Once again we use uPyCraft and again we use Wemos...

Wemos Mini and PIR sensor example

In this example we connect a PIR module to a Wemos Mini. A passive infrared sensor (PIR sensor) is an electronic sensor that measures infrared...

Wemos mini MATRIX LED Shield example

A new shield for the Wemos Mini came my way recently, this is called the MATRIX LED Shield - You can find out more...

ESP8266 and MMA8452 accelerometer example

In this example we will connect a MMA8452Q accelerometer  to an ESP8266 - as usual it's a Wemos Mini Lets look at the sensor The MMA8452Q is a...

Wemos and LDR example

In this example we connect a photoresistor to an Arduino, the value read from the photoresistor corresponds to the amount of light present. The...

Wemos and L9110 Fan module example

In this example we connect an Arduino to a L9110 fan module. The L9110 is anASIC device control and drive motor design two-channel push-pull power...

Using a MMC5603 Triple-axis Magnetometer sensor with an ESP8266

In this article we look at a Triple-axis Magnetometer, the MMC5603 and connect it to an ESP8266 board - a Wemos D1 Mini pro...

ESP8266 and SHT21 humidity and temperature sensor example

SHT21, the new humidity and temperature sensor of Sensirion is about to set new standards in terms of size and intelligence: Embedded in a...

ESP8266 and Si7021 temperature sensor example

The  Si7021  I2C Humidity  and  Temperature  Sensor  is  a  monolithic  CMOS  IC integrating   humidity   and   temperature   sensor   elements,  ...