
Tag: temperature

SHT20 temperature and humidity sensor and ESP8266

The SHT2x series consists of a low-cost version with the SHT20 humidity sensor. the SHT2x provides calibrated, linearized sensor signals in digital, I2C format....

AM2320 temperature and humidity sensor and ESP8266 example

Temperature and humidity combined sensor AM2320 digital temperature and humidity sensor is a digital signal output has been calibrated. Using special temperature and humidity...

ESP8266 and DS1624 sensor example

The DS1624 consists of two separate functional units: a 256-byte nonvolatile E2 memory and a direct-to-digital temperature sensor. The nonvolatile memory is made up of...

Wemos mini bmp180 sensor example

This bmp180 from Bosch is the best low-cost sensing solution for measuring barometric pressure and temperature. The sensor is soldered onto a PCB with...