
Tag: DS18B20

ESP8266 and DS18B20 sensor and MIcropython example

In this example we look at a DS18b20 example in Micropython for an ESP8266. Once again we use uPyCraft and again we use Wemos...

ESP8266 and DS18b20 sensor readings displayed on a web server

In this example we will connect a Wemos compatible DS18B20 shield to a Wemos Mini and display a page on a web server. This...

Wemos and DS18B20 readings on an OLED display simple project

In this particular example we are going to simply display temperature. pressure and altitude readings from a DS18B20 sensor on an OLED display. These are...

Wemos mini DS18B20 temperature sensor example

The DS18B20 is a  temperature sensor that can be used in various simple projects.  This part uses the 1 wire (I2C) bus and you can...