Wemos and DS18B20 readings on an OLED display simple project
In this particular example we are going to simply display temperature. pressure and altitude readings from a DS18B20 sensor on an OLED display.
These are...
Wemos and BMP180 readings on an OLED display simple project
In this particular example we are going to simply display temperature. pressure and altitude readings from a BMP180 sensor on an OLED display. These...
Wemos and DHT22 readings on an OLED display simple project
In this particular example we are going to simply display temperature. pressure and altitude readings from a DHt22 sensor on an OLED display. These...
Wemos and DHT11 readings on an OLED display simple project
This is the first simple project we are going to create using the Wemos Mini and various shields
In this particular example we are going...
Wemos OLED temperature project
This example will take the previous Wemos OLED shield example and make something slightly more useful with it. In this case we used a DHT11 shield...
Logging DHT11 data to an SD card
This is another simple project using a Wemos MIni and a couple of shields. This time we will connect a DHT11 shield and an...