In this small article we take a look at the IR controller shield, this is a shield which can act as an IR receiver and sender, here are some details about the shield
1x IR receiver (38kHz)
Configurable IO (Default: Sender – D3/GPIO0, Receiver – D4/GPIO2)
Lets see a picture of the shield, you can see the IR reciever and the 4 emitters around the outside, so quite a good design this.
The shield uses the follwoing pins, so they would be unavailable for other devices that you use
D1 mini | Shield |
D3 | Send |
D4 | Receiver |
You need to install the IRremote ESP8266 Library first. There are a few test examples but i simply wanted to see the code returned from a keypress. The default test examples had a bit more data than I really wished.
I have also noticed false codes getting returned at times, I have not figured this out yet. Looking at possible solutions although a few mention capacitors and noise.
[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]
#ifndef UNIT_TEST #include <Arduino.h> #endif #include <IRremoteESP8266.h> #include <IRrecv.h> #include <IRutils.h> #if DECODE_AC #include <ir_Daikin.h> #include <ir_Fujitsu.h> #include <ir_Gree.h> #include <ir_Haier.h> #include <ir_Kelvinator.h> #include <ir_Midea.h> #include <ir_Toshiba.h> #endif // DECODE_AC #define RECV_PIN D4 #define BAUD_RATE 115200 #define CAPTURE_BUFFER_SIZE 1024 #if DECODE_AC #define TIMEOUT 50U #else #define TIMEOUT 15U // Suits most messages, while not swallowing many repeats. #endif #define MIN_UNKNOWN_SIZE 12 // Use turn on the save buffer feature for more complete capture coverage. IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN, CAPTURE_BUFFER_SIZE, TIMEOUT, true); decode_results results; // Somewhere to store the results void setup() { Serial.begin(BAUD_RATE, SERIAL_8N1, SERIAL_TX_ONLY); while (!Serial) // Wait for the serial connection to be establised. delay(50); Serial.println(); Serial.print("IRrecvDumpV2 is now running and waiting for IR input on Pin "); Serial.println(RECV_PIN); #if DECODE_HASH // Ignore messages with less than minimum on or off pulses. irrecv.setUnknownThreshold(MIN_UNKNOWN_SIZE); #endif // DECODE_HASH irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver } void loop() { if (irrecv.decode(&results)) { // print() & println() can't handle printing long longs. (uint64_t) serialPrintUint64(results.value, HEX); Serial.println(""); irrecv.resume(); // Receive the next value } delay(200); }
Go ahead and press various keys on your remote, this is a couple of keys that I tested. They were 3, 4 and 5 and I did press them multiple times this was not bounce or multiple return codes