ESP8266 and CJMCU-1010 capacitive touch module example

In this example we look at the CJMCU-1010 module - this is based on the AT42QT101x The AT42QT101x Single Key capacitive touch controller family provides an easy...

Using a LTR-303 Ambient Light sensor with an ESP8266

In this article we look at an Ambient Light sensor, the LTR-303 and connect it to an ESP8266 board - a Wemos D1 Mini...

TSL2561 Luminosity Sensor example

The TSL2560 and TSL2561 are second-generation ambient light sensor devices. Each contains two integrating analog-to-digital converters (ADC) that integrate currents from two photodiodes. Integration...

ADS1115 analog-to-digital converter and ESP8266

The ADS1115 device is a precision, low-power, 16-bit, I2C-compatible, analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) offered in an ultra-small, leadless, X2QFN-10 package, and a VSSOP-10 package. The...

SHTC1 digital humidity sensor and ESP8266 example

In this article we look at another digital humidity sensor - this time its the SHTC1 and we will connect it to a Wemos...

Wemos mini and OLED shield bitcoin ticker

In this example we will display the price in USD of 1 bitcoin, the data is taken from coindesk's API and displayed on an...

PCA9685 LED controller and ESP8266 example

In this example we connect a PCA9685 LED controller to an ESP8266 The PCA9685 is an I²C-bus controlled 16-channel LED controller optimized for Red/Green/Blue/Amber (RGBA)...
ESP8266 and LTR390 layout

LTR390 UV Light Sensor and ESP8266 example using the Arduino IDE

In this article we look at a LTR390 UV Light Sensor and we will connect it to a Wemos Mini First lets look at the...

The Wemos PIR shield

A new wemos shield and this time its based on a  passive infrared sensor An overview of a PIR A passive infrared sensor (PIR sensor) is...

ESP8266 and vibration sensor module

In this example we connect a vibration motor module to an ESP8266. This is the type of motor that you could find in a...

Using a MMC5603 Triple-axis Magnetometer sensor with an ESP8266

In this article we look at a Triple-axis Magnetometer, the MMC5603 and connect it to an ESP8266 board - a Wemos D1 Mini pro...

ESP8266 and DS18b20 sensor readings displayed on a web server

In this example we will connect a Wemos compatible DS18B20 shield to a Wemos Mini and display a page on a web server. This...

SHT20 temperature and humidity sensor and ESP8266

The SHT2x series consists of a low-cost version with the SHT20 humidity sensor. the SHT2x provides calibrated, linearized sensor signals in digital, I2C format....

RPI-1031 tilt sensor and Wemos Mini example

In this article we look at a tilt sensor - this time its the RPI-1031 and we will connect it to a Wemos The RPI-1031...

ESP8266 Micropython I2C Scanner

This is a simple very short code example in which we show how to create a basic I2CScanner in Micropython using the uPyCraft IDE...
ESP8266 and TLV493D layout

TLV493D magnetic sensor and ESP8266 example using the Arduino IDE

In this article we look at a TLV493D magnetic sensor and we will connect it to a Wemos Mini First lets look at the sensor The...